The story of these dynamic years unfolds with Kipling’s own letters and memoirs, selected excerpts from his poetry, and the words of those who knew and admired him while he made his home in Vermont. More than thirty illustrations, including historical photographs and contemporary artwork–several by Kipling and his artist father–illustrate the little-known tale of Rudyard Kipling’s years in America, a time he said “would be blessed to me for all my life.”
21 historical photographs, 6 book illustrations by Kipling’s father, John Lockwood Kipling, 7 sketches (3 by Rudyard Kipling), Index
The author, Stuart Murray, born in Scotland and raised in New Jersey, majored in history at Rutgers University, and now lives in New York’s mid-Hudson Valley. Murray is the author of 24 books – 12 works of fiction and 12 nonfiction, of which six have been published by Images from the Past.
Ordering Information:
ISBN 978-1884592041
6″ x 9″
208 pages
Hardcover $29.00.
ISBN 978-1884592058
6″ x 9″
208 pages
Paperback $18.95
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